Sunday, December 14, 2014

December 8: Conversion Story

Here is my conversion story that I wrote this morning. We have to turn it in to the office as a gift for the Ahlanders at Christmas-time.

These are my exact words.

" Sister Melissa Andelin's conversion story:

Well hello, there. Hopefully my jumbled thoughts that are racing around in my mind, make it into a coherent story on this page. If not, I do apologize. Ever since I was a little girl, I've always felt a special connection with God through His spirit. My natural reaction and instinct is always to first communicate with my Father through prayer. I was fortunate enough to be taught the proper way of communication with Deity from early childhood, because I was raised in a loving, gospel centered home. I always felt pretty close with God and experience after experience has proven to me that my Father is a loving, all- knowing Father. Because of that love, I never really doubted what it was that I was taught. God blessed me with a solid understanding of gospel truths and I was firm in my beliefs. However, I have (just like any other human being) had doubts where Satan has tried to deter my course. But through communicating with God after begging and pleading and studying His words, my faith was restored. It wasn't until my mission though, when my faith was truly tested. It's kind of weird, but I realized I left out a key element in my conversion and faith- that is, faith in Jesus Christ. Like I knew who He was, but I really only thought I could have a relationship with my Father- not also with my perfect Brother. And as I learned about Christ- studied Him and tried my best to follow Him- was when I didn't just believe in Christ anymore- I believed Christ. I believed and still believe that He is my Lord and Savior. He loves me, too! (So much lovin'!) And it is only thru Him that I can be saved! That knowledge, partnered with the knowledge of the Atonement, has completely changed my perspective on this life and my life. I've found myself happier, less anxious, given more meaning to life, and peaceful. I've come to realize that the choice to follow Christ, is just that, a choice, a choice we make every single day of our lives. And thru Christ we can change. It's beautiful, isn't it? Conversion is a process, because becoming like Christ is a process as well. And conversion comes when we act on what we know. Like, while it's important to know or believe or have faith- it's more important to act on that knowledge, belief, and faith! Man. I feel like I need to bear my testimony here and now! Haha. But that is my conversion story- I'm being converted slowly, day by day, by every choice I make! "

I had an awesome week this week! I got to go to the temple with all of the departing missionaries. That was really weird. A really really really weird moment. What was even weirder, was that after we had dinner and dessert (at Yogurtland) I was standing outside with President and 2 other elders. And President totally tried to set me up with one of the elders going home. It was super awkward and funny. When we got back in the car, I turned to President and said "President! What the heck?! Where did that one come from? I'm still a missionary!" And he just laughed and dismissed that and basically said I was almost home anyway! And Sister Ahlander said that he isn't new to the matchmaking business, that he found one of his son's his wife. And that he likes doing it. HAHAH.

Now I'm going to avoid that poor elder at all costs.

My ability to sit still and focus, has been completely lost and shot at all costs. I think I have developed severe ADD. Haha. Well I think I've always had it, it just is way more blatant. 

Hey random thought, we should invite the missionaries over for dinner on Christmas Eve and/or Christmas day. Or some other time while I'm home.

We have found more people to start teaching! Three of the cutest teenage girls ever! We met them on the street and they welcomed us into their home and we then met their auntie and cousin. We are going back this week! 

We've seen so many miracles! I love it! I love the work. And I love my Savior, Jesus Christ!

Love you all!

Sister Andelin

With Bishop Stephenson

The Panda (Taylor) playing with my hairs

Sister Reed's amazing hair skills

The Ahlanders and I chillin' at the temple!

My MTC roomies!

MTC Comp!

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